Saturday, 4 June 2022

Good news about my books

Last week was a busy time for me as an author.  First of all, I heard that Drie Meter Zand (Two Fathoms Deep) received an excellent review in the Vrij Nederland Detective and Thriller guide, published by a national newspaper. The book actually received four out of five stars, an improvement over Het Transport, which got three. Regrettably the review is in Dutch, so you'll have to translate it. Google is your friend (sometimes...).

The reviewer rightly concludes that I have little praise for the Dutch police, but perhaps that should be broadened, because for many, government and officialdom aren't an ally anymore, but have become an enemy. Popular distrust has grown over the years due to a multitude of scandals. Probably it has become more visible as a result of social media, magnifying every embarrassment to impossible proportions. There is little you can do right in present-day government. It is high time to restore trust, but up to now I do not see much improvement.

Anyway, Drie Meter Zand came out well and I hope my readership feels emboldened to purchase and read the book (note that the English translation is about to be published - see below!). For those who want a foretaste, check out my website or watch the video trailer: 


I have now presented the book for the first time at the 52-year anniversary of a sailing club of which I have been a member for about 40 years. I have sailed a certain type of lightweight plywood boat for years, even at sea and as far as England. They held a race in which my current boat was appointed start/finish boat, which saw yours truly armed with a large air horn!

my old 23 foot marine ply boat

my current boat serving as a finish ship

yours truly (in sunglasses) watching the finish line

the race in progress

the presentation - I'm holding a copy of The Cargo

The presentation was a great success, all the more because I have a good advocate in the club who reads and reviews my books for their newsletter. For years our boats were side by side as we worked on them in winter storage, and I still help him with some odd jobs.

My next book presentation is scheduled for June 25 in the harbour shop of the marina in Andijk, where our boat is berthed.

Finally, as I mentioned above, there is news about the English translation (TWO FATHOMS DEEP), which is about to be published as a paperback on Amazon, where the digital version has been available for some time. I received the proof print today, and apart from a few minor details, it looks good. Some small improvements and I can finally publish it! I will report as soon as that is the case.

the proof print (marked Not For Resale) to the left of the Dutch original